Experts in Airline operations and Aviation innovations!

FACT Aviation Consultancy

About Consultancy

FACT was founded in 2003 and entered the market as an all-round aviation consultant. The FACT team is uniquely suited to translate non airline developed procedures to practical ones. Because of FACT’s practical views the company has been involved in the READ MORE

FACT Aviation Training

About Training

FACT has been involved with pilot training from the early nineties. The FACT trainers are all licensed Type Rating Instructors and/or Type Rating Examiners. They are licensed according the latest European EASA standards and have trained air crews from all over the world. READ MORE

FACT Projects & Customers

About Capabilities & Services

FACT is a founding member of the Air Traffic Management Cluster, hosted by the NIVR, the Dutch Institute for Aviation and Spaceflight. This cluster positions various Aviation related companies in the European market, the view being that the sum of the participants adds extra value READ MORE

FACT on Aviation

We like to direct your attention to something completely different: Historic Aviation. FACT believes in a future for our aviations past and heritage. Follow this link for more info. www.efha.eu.

A matter of FACT

FACT of the matter is that we are your trainingpartner, we can assist in bringing your aviation innovations to the market and we can translate your ideas into practical applications. Our aviation experts are at your disposel. Call on us......