FACT Projects & Customers

About P&C

FACT customers are Training Providers, Air Traffic Control Centers and Research & Development companies.

FACT is a founding member of the Air Traffic Management Cluster, hosted by the NIVR, the Dutch Institute for Aviation and Spaceflight. This cluster positions various Aviation related companies in the European market, the view being that the sum of the participants adds extra value and creates momentum individual companies can not muster.

FACT also cooperates with students at the faculty Aerospace of the world famous Technical University Delft on various projects.

Let us give you some examples of projects that FACT has been involved in:

Project "Validation of Line Operations" was awarded to us by EUROCONTROL in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006. This project helped air route designers to take the operational limitations of airliners and airline operations into account. Because of our involvement money was saved since procedures were adapted to reality at the development stages of the yearly projects.

Project "Situational Awareness of Pilots" was awarded by the Dutch Air Traffic Control company (LVNL). This project supported the development of a recurrent training tool to assist pilots in selecting the correct departure procedure from their Flight Management Computers. This training tool not only improved the pilot’s awareness, it also showed that the departure procedures need to be perfectly named and need to be presented in an unambiguous way. The outcome was a better managed and safer working environment.


Project "Simulator Trials for Parallel Departures from Schiphol Airport", was awarded by the Dutch Air Traffic Control company (LVNL) . This project was aimed at finding the optimum departure route from parallel runways, given the environmental and operational limitations. FACT provided the pilot’s perspective and made sure that the environmental issues were in harmony with flight safety.

Project "Continuous Descent Approches (CDA’s) for Bucharest Otopeni Airport”, was a referral by EUROCONTROL . FACT got involved with TAROM, the Romanian flag carrier. Since FACT has a lot of experience with these procedures we were asked to instruct the TAROM flight crews how to fly CDA's.

The FACT team is your partner in projects where inovations have to be implemented in the real world.

The Tools


Science, dedication, teaching skills, knowledge, project managing, insight...and much more.