FACT Aviation Training

About Training

FACT has been involved with pilot training from the early nineties. The FACT trainers are all licensed Type Rating Instructors and/or Type Rating Examiners. They are licensed according the latest European EASA standards and have trained air crews from all over the world.

Apart from airline crew we also train Air Traffic Control specialists. These professionals are accomplished ATC operators and expand their knowledge by taking a look at their job from another perspective; the pilots perspective. This is usually an eye-opener for Air Traffic Controllers and pilots alike. These sessions lead to mutual understanding and improve aviation safety.

Fact has access to all kinds of aviation related training staff so feel free to call on us for advice on whatever training need you might have. A well trained professional is of great benefit to your organization and in aviation circles this leads to high safety standards.


TRAINING FOR EVERYONE: FACT provides training for Fire & Rescue services, Air Traffic Control, Airline Staff, Airline Operational Staff, Security forces, Military, Governmental Organization, Medical Staff, and YOU!

The experienced FACT team is your partner in the development and implementation of aviation related or procedural training.

The Tools


Experienced Instructors, well prepared lesson plans and training programs, audio visual and e-learning tools.