FACT Aviation Consultancy

About Consultancy

FACT was founded in 2003 and entered the market as an all-round aviation consultant. The FACT team is uniquely suited to translate non airline developed procedures to practical ones.

Because of FACT’s practical views the company has been involved in the development of Air Traffic Control procedures and has been part of or partner in numerous other Governmental and non-Governmental projects.

Most activities involved validation of new and innovative departure and arrival routes using full flight simulators. In the simulations the procedures where tested exhaustively to check their suitability and practicality. To get an unambiguous outcome tests with various aircraft types and configurations where performed. After simulation testing was completed the procedures were tried by the local airline companies.

Departure and arrival routes have been gaining importance and no longer just provide safe routes for aviation. These days noise abatement and environmental issues have to be taken into account as well. Sometimes these issues seem to take precedence over fight safety and that is exactly where FACT can help and balance all the interests.


In this fashion the FACT teams know-how has been sought by organizations like EUROCONTROL, Air Traffic Control Netherlands and Dutch Aerospace organizations.

The experienced FACT team is your partner in the development of route structures and strategies.

The Tools


Knowledge, experience, details, Airline input, simulators and communicative skills.